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Ecological overall programme

Strictly speaking it is a natural ecological cycle the origin and final destination of which is forestry. Sustainable and responsible preservation of the forest, the general awareness of the nature, as well as the responsibility for the following generations coin a general programme for which our company has been recognized for decades.

A study by the Bayerisches Zentrum für Angewandte Energieforschung (Bavarian Institute for Applied Research on Energy), published in 2008, has recognized our environmentally-friendly methods of production explicitly:

"The installation consisting of a sawmill, a biomass-driven heating and power system and a pellet production plant, established at Sägewerk Schwaiger, corresponds to the capacity. The optimal result, which was noticed concerning carbon footprint and primary energy consumption, is based on the integral overall programme. This overall programme serves as a role model and should be an example for future projects."